CBSE Class 10 Multi Media 2025 Syllabus

Texturing Artists also known as a Shading Artists use variety of software, platforms, and environments to create textures for environments, characters, objects, and props for animated films, television shows, and video games.

Individuals at this job are responsible to add textures to models to create photorealistic models that can be used for animation and adding shade to the artwork.

Part B: Vocational Skills

Unit Name Marks
1 Surfaces and Materials 10
2 Shading and Texturing 10
3 Texturing in Photoshop and Autodesk MAYA 20
  Total 40

Unit 1: Surfaces and Materials

1. Identify the characteristics of the real life surfaces

  1. Real life surfaces in the context of texturing

2. Describe the various 3D surfaces and material

  1. 3D surfaces and material in the context of texturing

3. Identify the properties of the surface and material

  1. Properties of surfaces and material in the context of texturing

4. Explain the effect of lighting conditions on surfaces

  1. Reaction of surfaces to varying lighting conditions

Unit 2: Shading and Texturing

1. Identify surface shading properties

  1. Types of surface shading properties

2. Describe Maya material

  1. Surface, displacement and volumetric materials

3. Describe assigning and creation material

  1. Creation and assigning materials by the use of hyper shade in MAYA or 3Ds MAX

4. Describe various texture maps

  1. Realistic texturing

5. Describe shading network

  1. Shading network in MAYA

Unit 3: Texturing in Photoshop and Autodesk MAYA

1. Create colour map

  1. Process of creating diffuse map in photoshop
  2. Un rapping the 3D Polygon Object

2. Create bump map and use desaturate command

  1. Creating bump in MAYA map in MAYA
  2. Use of desaturate command and high pass filter

3. Create specular map

  1. Use of specular maps
  2. Process of creating specular maps in photoshop and MAYA
  3. Export the UV map to Adobe Phtoshop and paint the Texture on UV map
  4. Return to MAYA and observe the Texture on 3D objects

4. Demonstrate knowledge of creating seamless textures

  1. Diffuse and opacity map, specular, reflection and glow map, hump, normal and displacement map