Distribution Lineman (Power) Class 11 NCERT

Power is one of the most critical components of infrastructure and crucial for the welfare of the nations. Power sector plays a vital role in the economic growth and human development of any country. Electricity consumption is one of the most important indices for measuring the development level of a nation.

Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) has been created with a mandate to facilitate skill development across the Power Industry (covering Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Renewable Energy and Power Equipment Manufacturing). Pursuing an ambitious target to skill, train and certify over four million workforce in Power Industry over next decade. PSSC has developed 11 National Occupational Standards / Qualification Packs (NOS/QPs).


Unit 1: Electricity

  • Session 1: Electricity Generation Concept
  • Session 2: Basic Units and Effects of Electric Current
  • Session 3: Concept of Electrical Power and Energy
  • Session 4: Importance of Earthing System

Unit 2: Handling of Tools and Equipment

  • Session 1: Tools and Equipment
  • Session 2: Tools and Equipment used for Cable Laying

Unit 3: Electrical Wiring Components and Accessories

  • Session 1: Identifying and Selecting the Wiring Materials and Components
  • Session 2: ICTP Switch and Distribution Board
  • Session 3: Workplace Health and Safety Measures

Unit 4: Repair and Maintenance of Power Distribution Lines

  • Session 1: Preparation for Repair and Maintenance of Power Distribution Lines
  • Session 2: Specific Terminology in Distribution Line
  • Session 3: Construction Activities
  • Session 4: Distribution Line Maintenance
Class 11 SkillDistribution Lineman (Power)Download